08.10.2022 15:20:59
very good
08.10.2022 15:20:45
very good
08.10.2022 15:20:23
very good
08.10.2022 15:20:02
very good
08.10.2022 15:15:56
very good
08.10.2022 15:06:38
все хорошо!
08.10.2022 11:41:38
Уже в который раз покупаю. Все четко. Как всегда на высшем уровне)
08.10.2022 10:25:11
08.10.2022 9:58:22
08.10.2022 8:41:57
I bought 4 of this offers at the same time. This is the fourth one. Despite the EP Points being there, I was unable to claim them. Mentioned this to the seller, he gave me new accounts. Tried those too, it did not work. I tried everything - the method displayed in his instructions, searched up on YouTube - nothing worked , always was getting an error.
To the day, none of the rewards were used and all the EP Points are still unclaimed and in the accounts.
Despite the accounts being EXACTLY just like BEFORE being bought, the seller refuses to refund my money. There is no “non-refundable” statement in the description of the product and the product I bought is still unused, so I really don’t see any reason why he wouldn’t refund me. He mentions I already claimed the rewards, even though they are clearly still unclaimed waiting in the accounts. If requested, I can provide video proof and screenshots.
The seller also requests for my KRAFTON ID and Steam password to “help” me which is clearly illegal and noted in the rules of the websites.
Don’t recommend this seller! Tries to sell faulty accounts and then refuses to refund, even though he is OBLIGED to!
08.10.2022 8:41:34
I bought 4 of this offers at the same time. This is the third one. Despite the EP Points being there, I was unable to claim them. Mentioned this to the seller, he gave me new accounts. Tried those too, it did not work. I tried everything - the method displayed in his instructions, searched up on YouTube - nothing worked , always was getting an error.
To the day, none of the rewards were used and all the EP Points are still unclaimed and in the accounts.
Despite the accounts being EXACTLY just like BEFORE being bought, the seller refuses to refund my money. There is no “non-refundable” statement in the description of the product and the product I bought is still unused, so I really don’t see any reason why he wouldn’t refund me. He mentions I already claimed the rewards, even though they are clearly still unclaimed waiting in the accounts. If requested, I can provide video proof and screenshots.
The seller also requests for my KRAFTON ID and Steam password to “help” me which is clearly illegal and noted in the rules of the websites.
Don’t recommend this seller! Tries to sell faulty accounts and then refuses to refund, even though he is OBLIGED to!
08.10.2022 8:41:07
I bought 4 of this offers at the same time. This is the second one. Despite the EP Points being there, I was unable to claim them. Mentioned this to the seller, he gave me new accounts. Tried those too, it did not work. I tried everything - the method displayed in his instructions, searched up on YouTube - nothing worked , always was getting an error.
To the day, none of the rewards were used and all the EP Points are still unclaimed and in the accounts.
Despite the accounts being EXACTLY just like BEFORE being bought, the seller refuses to refund my money. There is no “non-refundable” statement in the description of the product and the product I bought is still unused, so I really don’t see any reason why he wouldn’t refund me. He mentions I already claimed the rewards, even though they are clearly still unclaimed waiting in the accounts. If requested, I can provide video proof and screenshots.
The seller also requests for my KRAFTON ID and Steam password to “help” me which is clearly illegal and noted in the rules of the websites.
Don’t recommend this seller! Tries to sell faulty accounts and then refuses to refund, even though he is OBLIGED to!
08.10.2022 6:11:35
08.10.2022 2:41:19
все отлично
08.10.2022 1:44:48
I bought 4 of this offers at the same time. This is the first one. Despite the EP Points being there, I was unable to claim them. Mentioned this to the seller, he gave me new accounts. Tried those too, it did not work. I tried everything - the method displayed in his instructions, searched up on YouTube - nothing worked , always was getting an error.
To the day, none of the rewards were used and all the EP Points are still unclaimed and in the accounts.
Despite the accounts being just like before being bought, the seller refuses to refund my money. There is no “non-refundable” statement in the description of the product and the product I bought is still unused, so I really don’t see any reason why he wouldn’t refund me. He mentions I already claimed the rewards, even though they are clearly still unclaimed waiting in the accounts. If requested, I can provide video proof and screenshots.
The seller also requests for my KRAFTON ID and Steam password to “help” me which is clearly illegal and noted in the rules of the websites.
Don’t recommend this seller! Tries to sell faulty accounts and then refuses to refund, even though he is OBLIGED to!
07.10.2022 19:06:54
07.10.2022 17:29:50
Вроде все гуд)
07.10.2022 16:59:56
пропустил прошлый дроп, а там вкусные скины? продавец придёт на помощь, чтобы вы смогли получить то, что упустили. Ещё и за столь малую плату!
07.10.2022 13:53:43
nice +
07.10.2022 12:56:56
07.10.2022 1:06:00
07.10.2022 1:05:51
07.10.2022 1:05:44
06.10.2022 19:02:10
06.10.2022 18:33:29
worked thank you :))
06.10.2022 9:53:25
Быстро и надежно. Спасибо
05.10.2022 20:32:29
Инструкция полезная . С 1 раза все сработало
05.10.2022 15:58:48
всё пришло
05.10.2022 10:10:44
05.10.2022 10:10:37
05.10.2022 6:13:01
Пришло моментально. Быстро и надежно. Рекомендую данного продавца.
03.10.2022 19:57:59
02.10.2022 21:32:18
All good! thx)
01.10.2022 23:55:45
01.10.2022 23:55:25
29.09.2022 18:17:20
28.09.2022 5:58:53
This is an account that has received rewards
27.09.2022 8:38:37
27.09.2022 8:38:27
27.09.2022 8:38:08
27.09.2022 0:37:21
Всё подробно описано, всё пришло! Автору спасибо!
26.09.2022 21:26:12
Всё прошло просто идеально, продавец супер! ^-^
26.09.2022 12:47:13
все получил) спасибо большое) (с начала не разобрался, потом прочитал инструкцию, очень благодарен за неё))
25.09.2022 20:51:40
Спасибо!) Все супер)
25.09.2022 20:46:53
Купил для себя и сына) Все супер! Огромное спасибо Вам!
25.09.2022 9:39:33
Большое спасибо,всё пришло моментально,была проблема подключения твич аккаунта,но дело было конкретно в Яндекс браузере,он вообще отказывается заходить на твич,делайте через Гугл Хром,там никаких проблем не было!
24.09.2022 23:42:07
23.09.2022 13:31:14
Всё получил, спасибо!
22.09.2022 6:44:29
22.09.2022 4:26:57
Всё окей
20.09.2022 14:15:28
19.09.2022 21:23:15
very fast
19.09.2022 16:14:15
Все отлично!
18.09.2022 1:39:29
always a pleasure doing business with lifeda
14.09.2022 19:14:29
Сделал все за 5 минут, главное внимательно следовать инструкции и сразу зайти в браузер под инкогнито.
Продавцу большое спасибо!
14.09.2022 14:34:41
Все отлично, дропсы получены.
14.09.2022 2:03:20
Все пришло быстро. Все сделал по инструкции и все получил. Спасибо
12.09.2022 21:51:08
I get the twitch account information less then 1 minute after payment and i got all the items in 3 minutes.This is really fast and great service.Thanks for making it possible <3
11.09.2022 23:36:09
11.09.2022 21:00:19
11.09.2022 21:00:12
11.09.2022 21:00:02
11.09.2022 20:59:45
11.09.2022 20:59:21
11.09.2022 20:59:09
11.09.2022 20:58:44
11.09.2022 20:58:30
11.09.2022 20:58:10
11.09.2022 20:57:55
11.09.2022 20:57:35
11.09.2022 17:34:09
10.09.2022 17:41:33
Инструкция достаточно легкая и понятная, спасибо большое!
10.09.2022 17:01:14
спасибо большое, не успел получить в августе, зато в за 115р. получил все за 5 минут и не пришлось сидеть на стримах))
06.09.2022 11:23:28
Все очень круто за 115р купил топ 17скинов, которые не успел получить в августе, продавец топ, дал инструкцию и все пришло очень быстро.
05.09.2022 19:19:01
Всё прошло отлично, процесс получение происходит максимум минут 5! Продавца рекомендую!
04.09.2022 14:53:01
Все супер, 3 минуты и готово, рекомендую!
03.09.2022 11:19:45
02.09.2022 18:47:45
Всё замечательно, быстро, просто, понятно, однозначно рекомендую
01.09.2022 23:45:56
Каждый раз ищу дропсы которые пропустил и покупаю именно у этого человека причем на разных площадках. Все всегда четко, быстро и с инструкцией. Монополист дропсов, обожаю тебя!
01.09.2022 21:52:26
Все вери гуд)))
31.08.2022 22:39:56
31.08.2022 22:39:23
31.08.2022 17:13:35
кайф, без обмана , поучил предметы из твич дропа
31.08.2022 15:08:26
31.08.2022 15:08:14
30.08.2022 20:47:43
Быстро, недёжно. Спасибо!
30.08.2022 18:56:10
Все прошло хорошо, рекомендую
27.08.2022 20:15:52
27.08.2022 17:10:25
Взял 2 ака себе и подруге, полёт отличный, всё активировалось без проблем. Спасябки)
27.08.2022 15:50:51
Всё гуд, дропы получены. Спасябки)
25.08.2022 14:23:15
25.08.2022 6:32:47
Из всех пакетов что я забирал самостоятельно я пропустил только два. Спасибо, все сработало без проблем!)
23.08.2022 16:32:30
Все круто
23.08.2022 11:56:07
Все дропсы пришли на аккаунт в игре
22.08.2022 20:00:12
Всё отлично, даже инструкция прилагается
22.08.2022 1:08:06
спасибо дорогой, хороший продавец!
21.08.2022 18:47:45
21.08.2022 18:47:42
21.08.2022 18:47:39
21.08.2022 16:27:30
Все отлично! Продавец лучший!