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Activation region: Russia.
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2️⃣ Send us a 16-digit order code using any convenient communication method - in Chat or in the provided contact information
3️⃣ Wait until the subscription is completed. WE WILL SEND YOU YOUR LICENSE KEY IN THE ORDER CHAT. The generation process may take several hours, please do not worry.
Kaspersky Safe Kids is specialized software aimed at ensuring the safety and control of minors. Developed by Kaspersky Lab, it is not just parental control in its classical sense, but a set of solutions aimed at comprehensive and effective assistance to parents in raising children.
Link for installation on the platform you need:
Purpose of the program and its features
Activating the Safe Kids license allows parents to always be aware of what is happening with their children. This applies to both behavior on the Internet and offline. The software includes applications for children and adults. Interaction between the software of different electronic devices takes place in the My Kaspersky space.
The main task of using the system is to protect minors from inappropriate content, suspicious online behavior and excessive online spending. In addition, by installing the application, you can protect children in the real world, in particular, by fixing a safe perimeter and determining the location on the map.
Kaspersky Safe Kids is a universal solution for parents who choose to care for and educate the younger generation in real time, taking into account all the realities and dangers of the modern world.
Key features of Kaspersky Safe Kids:
Purchasing the program provides parents with the following opportunities:
✅ blocking dangerous sites;
✅ safe search on the Internet;
✅ the functionality of a classic antivirus for gadgets;
✅ limit suspicious or inappropriate content (violence, alcohol or drugs);
✅ controlling the use of applications;
✅ tracking activity in social networks;
✅limiting the time of using devices;
✅ setting the schedule for gadgets;
✅ blocking unwanted requests on YouTube;
✅ instant notifications about actions;
✅detailed reports on online habits.
Among the features of the software, outside the Internet space:
✅ establishing a safe perimeter that the child must not leave;
✅ control the location of the gadget on the online map;
✅Tracking the battery level of the child´s device.
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