- Instant code issuance immediately after payment.
The code is activated only if your account is Turkish. You can check it on the payment information page here.:
https://payments.google.com/gp/w/home/settings. Before buying, be sure to log in to your account and check on the page above that your region is Turkey.
Google may block code activation if you are not in Turkey (Turkiye). Using the means to change the IP to Turkish does not guarantee successful activation.
If you attempt to activate the card on a Turkish account outside Turkey, activation errors may occur:
"To activate the gift card, please provide additional information."
"The code could not be activated because it can only be used in this country: Turkey."
Error PRS-GCRPM-01 or similar.
In any of these cases, the gift card may be cancelled by Google. A refund to such a card is not possible.
Codes cannot be exchanged or refunded. Before making a purchase, make sure that your account meets the requirements above.