AFTER PAYMENT YOU WILL INSTANTLY RECEIVE🔑 ACTIVATION KEY💎 Xbox Game Pass Core 1 month💡Attention: to activate the key, all active subscriptions on your account must have expired.💡Key activation region: Indiaattentiondelivery💡Attention: Our keys can be activated with each other, increasing the subscription period by purchasing several keys./attention/deliveryattention✅Activation:
1. Go to and specify India as the code region.
2- Login to your account
3- Hover your mouse over your account link (top right corner of the screen), a menu will appear, click the "Redeem Code" button.
4- On the next page, click "Redeem".
5- Enter your code
6- Click "Confirm".
7. Click "Confirm" again to assign the key to your account./attention
💡 If suddenly you have any problems with activation, please do not immediately leave negative feedback, describe the problem in the “correspondence with the seller” section, as soon as our employee appears online, he will immediately help solve your problem
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