Drive through cities and forests to road kill the undeads !
In a world populated with zombies, vehicles are the only way to safely move between places and to crush the undeads!
Drive across many environments with fully physically-based zombies and obstacles !
Rescue the survivors escaping the zombies, complete race laps or simply explore the area !
Unlock all vehicles such as muscle car, monster truck, humvee, UAZ, truck and even armored sport car!
Play and achieve the best online score !
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3. В клиенте Steam нажать в левом верхнем углу "игры" и выбрать "Активировать в Steam...", и ввести ключ полученный после оплаты.
4. После активации, игра появится в списке игр (Библиотеке) и вы сможете её скачать