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Uploaded: 05.03.2025

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11. For a chemical reaction (see the table by option number), perform the following thermodynamic calculations:
a) At a standard temperature of 298 K, calculate the heat of reaction at constant pressure ΔН0298 and the change in entropy ΔS0298;
b) Calculate the heat of reaction ΔН and the change in entropy ΔS at temperatures T1, T2, T3 using Kirchhoff´s law
c) Plot a graph of the dependence of the heat of reaction on temperature. Determine the temperature coefficient of the heat of reaction ΔСр at temperature T2 K using the graphical and analytical methods;
d) Calculate the standard change in Gibbs energy of the reaction and the thermodynamic equilibrium constant of the reaction KТ0 at temperatures T1, T2, T3 using the entropy (exact) method and the Temkin-Schwartzman method;
d) Based on the calculation data of the equilibrium constant using the Temkin-Schwartzman method, plot a graph of the thermodynamic equilibrium constant versus temperature in the coordinates lnKТ0= f(1/T). Determine the heat effect of the reaction at temperature T2 K using the graphical method and compare the obtained value with the results of calculations p.b);
e) Specify the most favorable conditions for this reaction.
Options for the group
Option number Reaction T1, K T2, K T3, K
11 Fe2O3 3CO=2Fe 3CO2 350 500 700
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