⚠️ The replenishment rate may fluctuate within +/- 1% depending on changes in exchange rates
⚠️ When paying, indicate the LOGIN from Steam, not the Nickname, nor the link from Community, not the email - exactly the LOGIN! (
https://store.steampowered.com/account/ - LOGIN next to the word ACCOUNT)
❶ Specify the amount ✍️
❷ Enter your Steam LOGIN to top up ✍️
❸ Pay for the top-up 💳 (Do not close the page after payment)🤝
❹ Log in to Steam and check your balance 🕗🤝
❺ Leave your feedback ❤️Information
🔴 You can top up accounts in the following countries: Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Azerbaijan
🔴 The maximum recommended one-time top-up amount is 15 thousand rubles. We do not recommend topping up your account with more than 30,000 rubles per day.attention⚠️MUST READ⚠️
📛 We do not top up accounts of clients from new territories (Crimea, DPR, LPR, etc.). Do not try to bypass this restriction! You may lose funds.
📛 If you have a new account or have never topped up before - Steam may change your region and currency. We do not take responsibility in case of a change of region by Steam.
📛 In case of successful payment to an incorrectly specified login - no refund is provided, it is impossible to cancel the top-up!
📛 If the region of your account differs from those specified above - a refund is not possible!attention