1. Please give me 16 digicodes
2. You only need to specify your Spotify Login ( or Mail ) and Password.
3. Delivery time 12 hours.
4. Your account has been renewed for 3/6/12 months.
✅ Upgrading is made by prepayment of a premium for 3/6/12 months.
✅ The entire paid period will immediately be displayed in your profile in the subscription information and a payment receipt will be sent to your mail.
✅ We offer a customized Spotify Premium subscription for 3/6/12 months for your account.
✅ Fulltime warranty.
1) How to subscribe if you don’t have a Spotify account❓
- When placing an order, indicate your email address in the form to register an account and I will register a new account for it and subscribe to it.
2) I have an active premium in my account, can it be extended❓
- If at the moment you have a suitable country subscription and it is coming to an end, then yes, it can be extended. If another country - then the new premium can only be activated after the current subscription expires.
3) Will it be possible to activate the subscription if I have an account login via Facebook, Apple, Google ❓
- Yes, please go to this link and reset your spotify password:
4) Will it be possible to renew this subscription in the future❓
- Yes, for this you will also need to place an order and provide account details for subscribing.
5) Does this subscription have music library and new release restrictions❓
- No, artists are available for listening without any restrictions.
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