By purchasing this product, you are purchasing Sid Meier´s Civilization VII (Region Free) a general Steam account for playing in the GFN (GeForce NOW) cloud service. After payment, you will receive an account of the following type - Login: password.
Can be used to play within cloud services:
✔️GFN (Geforce Now).
Cannot be used to play within cloud services:
❌VK Play Cloud;
This product is not suitable for playing offline on your PC and portable Steam Deck device.
📝With your account you will receive the original instructions from the CGames-Store store, which show in detail, with video tutorials, how to save all game progress on your cloud service account.
✅ You are purchasing game activation from our PERSONAL account for the GFN (GeForce NOW) cloud service.
✅ This Steam account is configured specifically for playing in the GFN (GeForce NOW) cloud service, all progress in the games will be yours.
✅ Activation allows you to play for an unlimited amount of time (while the warranty is valid).
✅ The 90-day account warranty includes ongoing support.
✅ You must have your own account on the GFN (GeForce NOW) gaming service, it is recommended to have a premium subscription (to bypass the queue and get the best cloud PC). 1 Activation for 1 YOUR account.
✅ Ability to play on the day of the game´s release.
✅ You will receive all game updates as soon as they are released.
✅ Language: Region Free.
• If you purchased this product by mistake or use it for other purposes, then no refund is provided.
• By purchasing this product, you automatically accept the user agreement (attention, read the terms and conditions before making a purchase).
• Not suitable for other services, only for playing through GFN (GeForce NOW).
• Our consultant may require you to provide a screenshot confirming your account login.
• The account is not transferred to your ownership, any changes to account data are strictly prohibited, may lead to authorization failure.
• Please note that if the gaming platform makes any changes to the protection or modes, the activation method may be inoperative, without the possibility of further play. Refunds are not provided in this case.
Make sure you have an idea of the product and understand what you are buying. If the conditions are not met, the seller reserves the right to refuse service (without a refund). Please read the product description carefully and, if you have any questions, write to the seller.
Technical support is available: on weekdays from 7:00 to 22:00 (Moscow time)
on weekends from 9:00 to 00:00 (Moscow time).