After payment, you need to send a unique 16-digit code received after payment in the chat with the seller
In response, you will receive a voucher code for replenishing unipin
Codes are issued manually from 12:00 to 23:55 Moscow time
Activation region only TurkeydeliveryInstructions for activating a unipin voucher
1. Log in to your unipin account. If you do not have an account, create one on the website
2. Click the " " button or follow the link
3. Select the "Physical Vouchers" option and enter the code received from the seller (the series of codes begins with TRMB)
4. Click the "Confirm" button and wait for the confirmation message to appear.
5. Once the card is redeemed, the funds will be added to your UC account balance and can be used to purchase games, virtual items and other products available on