⚡️ INSTANT DELIVERY OF THE Netflix CODE. After payment, you will receive a code to top up Netflix.❗ Activation region (Netflix account): EUROPE and EURO currency🤔Why us❓
🕰️ Stability: on the platform since 2019 - reliability tested by time.
💳 No overpayments: 0 commission when paying through the SBP.
🛡️ Guarantee: only official codes from trusted suppliers.
📖 How to activate the code?
📜 Activating a Netflix gift card:
1. Go to netflix.com/redeem;
2. Enter the code and select the "Activate" button;
3. Enter the email address associated with your account, or create a new account.
A confirmation screen will appear, then you can start watching or subscribe.
📢 Activation period: 1 day after purchase.
🛑 Netflix is not available in Russia. To watch, you need a EUROPEAN IP and an account registered in EUROPE. If you do not have an account, create one using special software with a EUROPEAN IP