⚡️ INSTANT DELIVERY OF THE Netflix CODE. After payment, you will receive a code to top up Netflix.❗ Activation region (Netflix account): AUSTRALIA🤔Why us❓
🕰️ Stability: since 2019 on the platform - reliability tested by time.
💳 No overpayments: 0 commission when paying through the SBP.
🛡️ Guarantee: only official codes from trusted suppliers.
📖 How to activate the code?
📜 Activating a Netflix gift card:
1. Go to netflix.com/redeem;
2. Enter the code and select the "Activate" button;
3. Enter the email address associated with your account, or create a new account.
A confirmation screen will appear, then you can start watching or subscribe.
📢 Activation period: 1 day after purchase.
🛑 Netflix is not available in Russia. To watch, you need an AUSTRALIAN IP and an account registered in AUSTRALIA. If you do not have an account, create one using special software with an AUSTRALIAN IP