Content: макрос для фарма ролей ДС.xlsm (47.20 KB)
Uploaded: 04.02.2025

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Macro in Excel spreadsheet - allows you to quickly farm roles in Discord, for full-fledged work you need to download additionally any program for recording actions on your PC (for example Mouse Recorder Pro 2).
The macro already contains 1250 phrases neutral in meaning, which are suitable for absolutely any channel in Discord (But aimed at cryptodrops).
Included macro dictionary for 1251 phrases instructions
1. open the excel file "Macro"
2. insert your phrases into cells A2=A1251 (write them yourself or buy ready-made ones)
3. by clicking the "Start" button, the macro randomly generates one of the dictionary phrases and inserts it into cell A1 (green cell)
4. the macro also inserts all used phrases into column B. After all the phrases have been used, the macro will notify you of this.
5. Download any program for recording actions, I use Mouse Recorder Pro 2
6. launch discord with the chat already open where the macro will write
7. you can make discord window 1 active window 2, make a macro (excel).
8. Record the following sequence using Mouse Recorder Pro 2 (or any other):
a) Open Discord
b) Press Alt Tab
c) Press Start in the macro (Excel)
d) Move the cursor to cell A1, click on it twice and select the text and copy it
d) Move to Discord by pressing Alt Tab (or with the cursor)
e) Paste the message with the mouse*1 (see note)
g) Press Enter
h) Pause for 1-3 minutes (or however long you set).

Important notes:
1. Copy text from Excel by clicking on the cell twice, selecting the text, and then pasting it into Discord.

If you try to select a cell and copy it using CTRL C and then paste it into Discord using CTRL V, you will paste the cell image, which will expose you.
2. When using the macro for the first time, do not forget to enable the content at the top (the button on the yellow line when opening).
3. If the macro does not work, download another Microsoft Office
4. To enable repeating actions in the settings of the program you are using, enter the data after what period and how many times to repeat.
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