Telegram channels and chats database on the topic "Network business, MLM, Network marketing". Channel and chat categories are related to all topics related to networkers: MLM business tips, sales funnels, product discussions such as Faberlic, Amway, Herbalife, Mary Kay, Coral Club, Siberian Health, as well as supplier and mentor chats and channels.
Information in the database in an Excel file:
- Type (channel or group). Separated.
- Name.
- Link.
- Number of subscribers.
- Ability to write in chat (yes / no).
- Availability of comments in the channel (yes / no).
Total number of Telegram chat channels in the database: 2400 pcs.
- Channels 800 pcs.
- Chats 1600 pcs.
Date of database collection: February 2025
*Some channels may be deleted or blocked. The number of subscribers may differ from the values in the table, as it changes every day.
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