🧨 Important:
• Please note, this is a Twitch account with items that you can get by linking your game account
• After receiving everything make sure to unlink the Twitch account from your game account
• Only items from the current event are guaranteed to drop, previous ones may be limited by the game developer
💡 Event: Orzanel Drops
⭐ Items (guaranteed only from new events):
1 - 5x Spring Tokens (expire 27 Mar 2025) (1)
2 - 3x Orzanel Decal (expire 26 Mar 2025) (1)
3 - 3x Spaghetti & Meat Sauce (expire 26 Mar 2025) (1)
4 - 1x Style Orzanel Assualt (expire 26 Mar 2025) (1)
🎲 Before you buy, check if this Twitch Drops is right for you
🎉 When purchasing more than two accounts, make sure they can be activated multiple times, there is no return if multiple accounts are purchased
👑 Activate it within the first hour after receiving them
💥 Seller´s comment: None
🌌 If you have any further questions, please contact me
❗ This item can only be obtained once.
❗ If you have previously received this item, you will not be able to receive it on the same account a second time.
After purchasing, you need to activate Drops within the first hour, as the duration of Drops may be limited by the service providing Twitch Drops services.
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