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• ... Play as Talion, a ranger whose family was killed by Sauron´s minions. Talion himself did not escape a cruel fate, but the Spirit of Vengeance brought him back to life and endowed him with supernatural powers. Now the ranger, who has returned from the dead, must go into the depths of Mordor to fulfill his oath and destroy those who destroyed his life. Over time, he will discover the truth about the Spirit who brought him back to the world, he will learn about the rings of power and fight his enemy.
Each enemy the player encounters will be unique - with their own characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. Thanks to the Nemesis System mechanics, the relationships between enemies and their characteristics are determined depending on the player´s actions and decisions. The dynamic world of Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor remembers you, reacts to your decisions and adapts to them. Here, each player will live their own - unique - adventure.
• Master the powers of the spirit and avenge the lives destroyed, fighting face to face in close combat or hiding in the shadows and striking from afar.
• See the world with spirit vision and find the weak points of each of the unique enemies that stand in Talion´s way. Each enemy has its own weaknesses, habits and characteristics that you can notice and use to your advantage.
• Play enemies against each other, forcing them to do certain things, and thereby make Mordor obedient to your will. Each enemy is individual and can become your sworn enemy, depending on what exactly you do.
• Talion´s story unfolds between the events of the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings trilogies. You will have to find out where the rings of power came from and become the most dangerous warrior in Mordor.
• By developing and acquiring new sworn enemies, you will receive rewards in accordance with the rune system, improve weapons, and improve your abilities and skills.