⭐️Large (LLM) such as GPT is used to automatically generate subtitles for audio or video files. These tools create accurate subtitles by processing the audio or video file and converting it to text.
many tools and services use GPT technology for subtitles. These tools typically offer the following features
these tools can automatically recognize speech in audio or video files and convert it to text.
the subtitles are automatically synchronized with the speech in the video or audio file with precise timing, and users can edit and adjust the generated subtitles to
ensure accuracy and consistency.↪️ Product feature:
• Unlock 1,200,000 tokens usage per day. Use it just like ChatGPT, translate without needing to enable Tokens!
• Designed for those with demanding, high-volume translation requirements.
• Get an impressive 1,000,000 token bonus instantly!
• Unlock access to advanced GPT-4 models for superior results!
• Claim a whopping 100,000 FREE tokens every day!
• Get a 10% discount when using account tokens for translation.
• Up to 1000 subtitle projects and 100 batch projects
• Save up to 50 translation settings
• Translate up to 5 files simultaneously/attention
✅What will I receive after payment?
🔸You will receive a username and password from the seller.
🔸This product has a 30-day warranty.
🔸Each account is created for one person⭐️After payment you will receive a UNIQUE CODE (
https://oplata.info/info/). This, along with your login (mail) and password from your account to which the subscription will be activated, must be reported to the operator in the “Correspondence with the seller” section.⭐️
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