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Answers Synergy Theory and Practice of Criminal Procedure Test for "Excellent" Final Competence Test
Laptev mistakenly put on someone else´s mink hat in an unguarded cloakroom of a clinic. On the street, the owner of the hat, Sviridov, caught up with him and, without saying a word, began to take off his headgear. Taking him for a robber, Laptev hit Sviridov in the face and broke his jaw. Is Laptev subject to criminal liability?
At the request of the rehabilitated person, and in the event of his death - his close relatives or relatives, the court, prosecutor, investigator, inquiry officer are obliged to send written messages about the decisions taken, acquitting the citizen, to his place of work, study or place of residence no later than ...
The interrogation of a minor suspect, accused shall involve ... , who has the right to ask him questions, and at the end of the interrogation, get acquainted with the protocol and make comments on the correctness and completeness of the entries made in it
The store guard Lyapin noticed that the door of the store he was guarding was open and there was someone in the room. He went up to the door and shouted: "Who´s there? Come out!" In response to this, he heard a voice from the store: "Don´t come any closer!" - and then a bottle flew at his head, which, having broken against the door, showered the guard with fragments. Then the guard fired a shot and wounded the person who was there. As was later established, a slightly drunk store manager entered the store at night and, having decided to test the watchman´s vigilance, committed the aforementioned actions. Were the watchman´s actions lawful? Provide a qualification of the act.
... is the justification of a judgment by both logical methods (proof) and non-logical methods (persuasion)
... is the decision of a jury on the issues put to it, including the main issue of the defendant´s guilt
The issue of removing a criminal record in accordance with Article 86 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is resolved by ... a person who has served a sentence, by a court or a justice of the peace in criminal cases referred to his jurisdiction, at the place of residence of this person
The state prosecution in court is supported by ...
Problem 1. Citizen Petrova called the police and said that her antique necklace was missing. When the police came to her apartment, they did not see a broken lock on the door. The apartment was in disarray and there were some marks on the floor. Only one window was broken. On the second day, the police arrested Ms. Petrova for fraud, why? Choose the full answer to answer the problem.
Problem 2. On the first day of school, a geography teacher was killed. The police arrested four suspects in this case: a gardener, a math teacher, a sports coach, and the school principal. Each of them had an alibi - the gardener was cutting a hedge, the math teacher was conducting an annual test, the coach was playing ball, and the principal was in the office. Hearing these stories, the police immediately arrested the killer. Do you already know who he is?
The law ... is that two incompatible judgments cannot be true at the same time, at least one of them must be false
The preventive measure is ...
Samoletov, who was returning home at night, was attacked with the purpose of robbery. Escaping from robbers, Samoletov jumped over the fence, broke the glass in one of the first-floor windows and entered the room. The owner of the house, Ivanov, woke up from the noise and the sound of broken glass and, seeing an unknown citizen in the room, mistook him for a robber and began to beat him. Samoletov suffered serious bodily harm. Provide a qualification of the act.
While on a business trip to the Republic of Belarus, Russian citizen Tsukerman committed a theft, but was not brought to criminal responsibility there; after the end of the business trip, he returned to Russia. Is Tsukerman subject to criminal liability in the Russian Fed
Sidorov, at Ketov´s request, killed Krotov for a large sum, after which he came to his friend Kozlova, with whom he constantly cohabited, and told about everything. Kozlova washed the bloodstained shirt, hid the knife used to commit the murder, and then, at Sidorov´s request, went to Ketov for the agreed amount, part of which Sidorov gave to Kozlova. How can Sidorov´s actions be qualified?
Compare the court to which the appeal is filed and the submission, and the type of decision being appealed.:
As evidence in a criminal trial, it is allowed …
Andreeva (14 years old) applied to the court with the help of her legal representatives (parents) to bring Marashkin to criminal responsibility under part 1 of Article 131 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Rape). Is it possible to involve Marashkin, given that he was 16 years old at the time of the crime?
There are such bodies of inquiry as …
Thirteen-year-old Todorov for stealing a purse with money from his pocket
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