🔷 Key activation is performed during business hours (from 10:00 to 22:00 Moscow time)
🔷 If you purchased the service after 22:00 Moscow time, activation will be performed the next day
🔷 Activation is performed within 10-180 minutes after you provide all the data. Delays are possible due to unstable operation of Microsoft servers (but no more than 24 hours)
🔷 You can purchase this service at any time convenient for you
🧾 Instructions:
After payment, a page with your purchase (unique digital code) will open
There is a chat tab on this page ("Correspondence with the seller")
You need to write a message in this chat using the following template:
1. Unique code that you will receive after purchase
2. Activation key or keys (up to THREE pieces)
3. Country of key activation
4. After this, you need to wait for the administrator´s response
⚠️ If 2FA protection is installed on your account, stay online to allow us to log in to your account