The database contains information about 43 unique templates that made it to the first stage of the NotPixel tournament.
The following columns are present:
Telegram channel - link to the channel with the largest number of subscribers, which promotes this template as its own (in 95-100% of cases it is, but there is no way to check it)
Picture - Picture of the template in the application (visually displayed)
Number of subscribers - The number of subscribers on your Telegram channel.
Template link - direct link to get the template in notpixel.
Channels that also mention - there were a couple of channels that promoted not very popular templates, and signed them as their own. Such channels are now only two, perhaps it is their templates, just the admin posted in a few of his publicks. In order not to duplicate the template twice in the lines, it was decided to simply specify additional channels in this column (if any, so far it is specified only in 2 lines out of 43).
The smallest Telegram channel in the database is 580 subscribers
The largest: 14.8 million
What do you need this base for? To determine which templates are best to choose for the tournament. If you just choose the largest template, you may face the greatest competition, and the prize will be given only to the best players of the template, so, getting the advantage of the clan in the number of players, you also get a disadvantage in the form of high competition. It makes sense to choose either something average, where subscribers are not few, but not a lot, or small publicks. Then you get an advantage in the form of any audience at the template, but do not get the disadvantage of high competition.
I also have for sale a database of all templates participating in the first tournament (1024) -
It is in the form of html, with all the pictures, but without information about publiki - because not all templates in general come with telegram channels, they could be posted by ordinary people.
This database contains all the information I know about templates attached to publicks, if there will be more information - I will add.
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