⚡️⚡️⚡️ VPN Gold - for freedom from censorship! ⚡️⚡️⚡️✨ Fast, reliable and secure operation with protection from blockers and censors.
🔐 Complete privacy and anonymity for your data.
⛔️ Get rid of outdated VPNs - we offer modern and high-quality solutions. ⛔️
👜 About the product 👜
⚙️ Process Automation - activate your subscription immediately after payment, connect by button.
🖥️ Personal Cabinet - subscription control, all kinds of connections, quick start 24/7.
📘 Detailed instructions - in case we are offline.
🛡️ No registration - no unnecessary data.
🚀 Why should you choose VPN Gold? 🚀
⚡️ High-speed servers: up to 25 Gbps.
🛡️ Stability, even with increased censorship and active checks.
🌐 Works even in countries with strict censorship (China, Iran, Turkmenistan).
🔐 Resistant to attacks: MITM, traffic pattern analysis and DPI.
🛡️ Full protection against DPI (Deep Packet Inspection) and blocking.
🔒 Traffic masking and encryption for complete protection.
🏆 Protocol: VLESS + XTLS-RPRX-Vision.
🔥 Active and growing project.
🖥️ Xray-core based servers.
⏱️ Minimum ping.
🔥 What makes us the best? 🔥
🔀 Split tunneling - choose which traffic goes through VPN and which goes directly.
🔑 All available connection types: shared key, specific key, subscription, button subscription.
💻 Support for all platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS, Smart TV, routers.
♾️ Unlimited number of connections - connect all your devices.
🔗 Push-button connection - connect in just a couple of clicks.
📶 Unlimited traffic - no volume limits.
🖥️ Personal cabinet - always under control.
📢 TG-channel and TGBot in development.
🌍 Large selection of locations.
🌍 What kind of locations? 🌍
🔹 🇳🇱 Netherlands №1
🔹 🇫🇮 Finland №2
🔹 🇩🇪 Germany №3
🔹 🇩🇪 Germany №4
🔹 🇸🇪 Sweden №5
🔹 🇷🇺 Moscow №6