After payment, you will immediately receive an invitation link to the Yandex family and by joining you will receive a Yandex Plus subscription
This is not a shared account. A subscription will be received to your account, all your personal information will not be visible, all your playlists, Kinopoisk and other services will be available only to you.
They can also be in the Bookmate subscription, More Movies and for Children.
You do not need to connect the card to your account and no money will be debited at the end of the subscription.
❓ The INVITE is connected only to 1 account, because of this, immediately log in to the account you need a subscription to
What does a Yandex subscription give?Plus, you can read the link
The invite IS VALID ONLY in Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.