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Worms Reloaded🔒Надежность вашей покупки гарантирует Belconsole - первая международная компания с физическим магазином(а не частное лицо) на Plati.ru , а также лично ее основатель - Владимир Бычинов.

Мы - холдинг семейных компаний, работаем с 2007 года, на Plati.ru с 2009 года, являемся официальными дилерами всех крупнейших дистрибьюторов на территории СНГ.Belconsole - единственный дистрибьютор цифровых игр в СНГ, обладающий физическим магазином.
Наш магазин обслужил почти МИЛЛИОН покупок только на plati.ru/deliveryВы покупаете лицензионный ключ Worms Reloaded • Steam Активация •
Издатель: Team17
Разработчик: Team17
Возрастной рейтинг: 12+
Регион активации: WW
Локализация: EN
Год издания: 2010
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Особенности игры:
Ten years on from Worms™ Armageddon and the turn-based comic mayhem continues in Worms™ Reloaded, an all-new edition available for PC through Steam. Worms™ Reloaded features up to four player online and offline multi-player, voice support, a raft of crazy new weapons (and the return of some iconic weapons from the brand’s celebrated past), achievements (*note: Mac & Linux versions have a reduced number of achievements), leaderboards, all new high-definition landscape themes, a range of brilliant forts for the new Fort mode, new landscape editor, new play modes, hats, skins and speech banks.
To top it all off, there is also a highly-involving single-player experience with tutorials, deathmatches, races, fort games, and puzzles. Enjoy the new High Definition full-colour graphics engine, revised physic,s and pit your wits against the all-new A.I. with seven personality types, ranging from easy to very hard, and styles like vengeful, cocky, and ‘Darksider’! The game is also packed with customization options, and includes thousands of possibilities for your team of worms, tons of game options, and custom levels, so you can play the game how you want!
Key Features:
Campaign mode. Play through 35 single-player missions as well as 30 more in the Warzone Campaign that is tuned for advanced players.Bodycount mode! How will you survive with having just one worm pitched against never-ending spawning enemy worms that get increasingly tougher? Compete against friends in the scored leaderboard.Training Mode. Comprehensive tactics tutorage that includes 3 tutorials and 3 different firing ranges.ONLINE AND LOCAL MULTI-PLAYER:
Up to 4-player online and local multiplayer action - with Steamworks support, for pain-free game updates, friends lists, leaderboards, achievements (*note: Mac & Linux versions have a reduced number of achievements), and chat.Leaderboards! Multiple different leaderboards to track different game types and stats. These can be sorted globally or by friends enabling and encouraging competition between friends.MASSIVELY INCREASED CUSTOMISATION:
Wild customization and personalization - change the appearance of worm skin, choose victory dances, gravestones, voices, HUD, title, and over 70 different cute, funny, and downright stupid hats!Shop ‘til you drop! Players can buy hats, landscapes, weapons, missions, forts, and gravestones with currency awarded for completing single-player campaigns.Over 70 speech banks - 50 re-mastered from the classics and over 20 new speech banks including the insane Cheese sound set!A range of great classic and new custom levels to play on, plus make your own!NEW FULLY FEATURED LANDSCAPE CREATION TOOL:
Fully featured landscape editor including the welcome return of bridges and the ability to import your own custom levels into the game so you ca
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