⭐️ Available for accounts on the European server, including accounts in the region of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus (NOT LESTA)! ⭐️❖ [Working hours]: ❖
● MON-SUN: 10:00 – 22:00❗️ If the purchase was made outside of business hours, the request will be processed during business hours!💳 🪙 The available payment methods are indicated in the field on the right, under the “Buy" button! 🪙 💳🚀 The operator´s response after the purchase/question comes to the buyer/visitor within 30 minutes during BUSINESS HOURS! 📱 As soon as you pay for the product, the seller receives a notification on all his devices! For all questions BEFORE or AFTER the PURCHASE, you can contact me in the chat on the site by clicking on the "Ask a question" button or in Telegram! It is available to everyone on my page, just click on my nickname (Quixy). 📨🛒 By purchasing this product, you get premium and/or equipment and/or Orion boxes in the game World of Tanks (WoT) on a European server. WarGaming is a publisher and developer of computer games mainly of the free–to-play MMO genre and near-game services for various platforms. Please note that after sending the gift, it must be accepted. In case of refusal of the gift, the money will not be refunded. Gold is redeemable for all purchases inside World Of Tanks.deliveryattention👉 If you need gold, you can buy it here:
https://top.steamkeygift.ru/item/4135190 👈 /attention/deliveryattentiondelivery❓ How does the deal work ?
1️⃣ Select the desired digital product in the field on the right, as well as the nickname that belongs to the WarGaming account;
2. After you click on the "Buy Now" button, select the desired payment method and follow the payment instructions. Each payment method is accompanied by its description;
3. You will receive a 16-digit UNIQUE code, which can be viewed in the mail or here
https://oplata.info 👈 after purchase. It MUST be sent to the correspondence of the goods, or provided to the seller in advance. DELIVERY OF THE PRODUCT IS IMPOSSIBLE WITHOUT A CODE;
4. Wait for the operator´s response, during working hours the wait will be around 10 minutes.
5. Stay in touch. You must strictly follow the instructions, otherwise the order execution may slow down./delivery/attentiondeliveryattention❤️ If you liked the quality of service, then we will appreciate you taking the time to leave a positive review about us! Even a few words are enough. You can leave a review in the "Product Review" tab./attention/delivery