❓ After payment, you will receive a TWITCH account with which you can
get the following items in the DESTINY 2 game + instructions.
❗ If you have previously received any drops from DESTINY 2, be sure that you can unlink your old Twitch account from
http://www.bungie.net ! Otherwise, you will not be able to link a new account and receive items!
❗ Follow the simple instructions after purchase to receive your items.
❗ These items can only be obtained once.
You won´t be able to get them the second time.
🛒 List of items to receive (
https://kurfun.store/itemsInfo/destiny2/4340442 ):
1. Born of This
2. Bully Pulpit
3. Creator´s Cachet
4. Dim Italics
5. Effortless Flow
6. Gloaming Dark
7. Nature of Truth
8. Ooo Shiny Emblem
9. Particle Acceleration
10. Portable Power
11. Retro Boy
12. Revenant Echo
13. Roots Remain
14. Scorned Organ
15. Silicon Frontier
16. Stand in Salvation
17. Suave
18. Those Held Dear
19. Trigonic Amber
20. We Begin in the Stars
☝ Please receive items to your DESTINY 2 account immediately after purchase.
Pickup time may be limited.