A large database of 500,000 Telegram channels and chats of various topics. Using this database, you can easily select Telegram channels and chats that match your interests or needs, find a target audience, advertise your product.
Each topic is in a specific file.
Information in the database in an Excel file:
- Type (channel or group). Separately.
- Name.
- Link.
- Number of subscribers.
- Ability to write to chat (yes / no).
- List of chat participants (Hidden / Open).
- Availability of comments in the channel (yes / no).
Number of Telegram chat channels in the database: 500,000 pcs.
- Channels: more than 300,000
- Chats: more than 200,000
Channels and chats in the database are Russian-language.
The topics and number of chats/channels can be viewed here:
Database collection date: January 2025.
*Some channels may be deleted or blocked. The number of subscribers may differ from the values in the table, as it changes every day.