❓ After payment, you will receive a TWITCH account with which you can get
items in the Path of Exile game + instruction how get.
❗ Follow the simple instructions after purchase to receive the item.
❗ This item can only be obtained once.
If you previously received this item, the second time you will not be able to receive them on the same account.
🛒 List of items to receive (
https://kurfun.store/itemsInfo/poe/4133808 ):
1. Arcane Footprints Effect
2. Arcane Throne Decoration
3. Blood Guard Wings
4. Corsair Back Attachment
5. Energising Bolt Flask
6. Halo Of The Righteous
7. Havenwood Cloak
8. Heartseeker Portal Effect
9. Huntsman Wings
10. Ice Tiger Pet
11. Raven Demon Wings
12. Sphinx Wings
13. Suffering Back Attachment
14. Temporal Lords Portal
15. Wrangler Wings
☝ Request to receive items on your Path of Exile account immediately after purchase.
Pickup time may be limited.