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Lords of the Fallen - Deluxe Edition🔒Надежность вашей покупки гарантирует Belconsole - первая международная компания с физическим магазином(а не частное лицо) на Plati.ru , а также лично ее основатель - Владимир Бычинов.

Мы - холдинг семейных компаний, работаем с 2007 года, на Plati.ru с 2009 года, являемся официальными дилерами всех крупнейших дистрибьюторов на территории СНГ.Belconsole - единственный дистрибьютор цифровых игр в СНГ, обладающий физическим магазином.
Наш магазин обслужил почти МИЛЛИОН покупок только на plati.ru/deliveryВы покупаете лицензионный ключ Lords of the Fallen - Deluxe Edition • Steam Активация •
Разработчик: HEXWORKS
Издатель: CI Games
Регион активации: ROW
Год издания: 2023
Локализация: EN
Возрастной рейтинг: 18+
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Особенности игры:
The Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Edition includes:
GAME - A vast world awaits in the all-new, dark fantasy action-RPGDARK CRUSADER STARTING CLASS* - set forth upon your epic journey equipped as one of the renowned Dark Crusaders, fabled for their faith and ferocityDARK CRUSADER ARMOUR & WEAPON SET* - brandish the Dark Crusaders’ iconic ensemble, including the devastating Isaac's Longsword, Holy Light explosives, full armour set, and Paladin's Pendant100 PAGE DIGITAL ARTBOOK - featuring exclusive illustrations, pore over 100 pages of beautifully horrific artwork spanning the world of Lords of the FallenDIGITAL SOUNDTRACK - lose yourself to the haunting harmonies of Mournstead with the full OST, composed by the celebrated Cris Velasco and Knut Avenstroup Haugen3D MODEL VIEWER - view every in-game character model in high-resolution detail*Immediate access granted to items that otherwise can be found late game in all versions of title

Lords of the Fallen introduces an all-new, epic RPG adventure in a vast, interconnected world more than five times larger than the original game.
After an age of the cruellest tyranny, the demon God, Adyr, was finally defeated. But Gods… do not fall forever. Now, aeons later, Adyr’s resurrection draws nigh. As one of the fabled Dark Crusaders, journey through both the realms of the living and the dead in this expansive RPG experience, featuring colossal boss battles, fast challenging combat, thrilling character encounters, and deep, immersive storytelling. Will your legend be one of light… or one of darkness?
Dare to Hope.
Explore A Vast, Interconnected World
Journey across two expansive, parallel worlds in your epic quest to overthrow Adyr. While the living realm presents its own brutal challenges, untold terrors lurk in the nightmarish realm of the dead.

Define Your Own Legend
Fully customise your character’s appearance from a wide array of visual options, before selecting one of nine character classes. Whichever starting path you take, develop your character to your own playstyle by upgrading stats, weapons, armour and spells.

Master Fast, Challenging Fluid Tactical Combat
Only those that master the deep, tactical combat can hope to survive. Choose from 100s of uniquely brutal weapons, or forgo metal for magic with devastating attacks of the arcane.

Unite or Fight in Online Multiplayer
Experience the expansive, single-player campaign alone, or invite a second player to join your adventure in uninterrupted, online co-op. But be warned - heroes from other realms can, and will invade.

Wield a Device of Ungodly Power
Your lantern possesses the ungodly power to cross between worlds. Use this dark art to reach forgotten places, unearth fabled treasures, and even manipulate the very soul of your foe.

Rise from Deat
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