❓ After payment, you will receive a TWITCH account, with which you can
get the items listed below in the game THE FINALS + instruction.
❗ Follow the simple instructions after purchase to receive the item.
❗ This item can only be obtained once.
If you previously received this item, the second time you will not be able to receive them on the same account.
🛒 List of items to receive (
https://kurfun.store/itemsInfo/thefinals/3972085 ):
1. Alien Invasion Background
2. Broadcast Blaze Akimbo
3. Broadcast Blaze Pike
4. Bronze Sporty Spirit
5. Center Stage Emote
6. Chamber Chum
7. Dragon Skin Polearm
8. Dragon´s Tooth
9. ENGIMO Signal Flux Dart
10. ENGIMO Signal Flux Shield
11. Early Illumination
12. Gingerguard
13. Gold Sporty Spirit
14. Heartfelt Tribute
15. Hey Punkin Gun Charm
16. Livestream Love 1
17. Livestream Love 2
18. Lockbox Locket
19. Mariachi Cerberus12GA
20. Mariachi Charm
21. Mariachi ShAK
22. Masterplan Markup
23. NVIDIA Gun Charm
24. Ospuze Recycled Revolver
25. Ospuze Ropers
26. Ospuze Ten-Gallon
27. Pining For Xmas
28. Present Danger
29. Silver Sporty Spirit
30. Terminal Allure
31. Tungsten Disguise
32. Twitch Charm
☝ Request to receive items on your THE FINALS account immediately after purchase.
Pickup time may be limited.