After payment, you will instantly receive a coupon link to the "War Thudner" website, where you can receive bonus rewards after registering a new account or logging into an existing one.
By registering a new account using the link you receive, you will receive:
✔️ 7 days of premium account
✔️ T-26, I-15bis Krasnolutsky, Type G-5 boat
✔️ 100,000 silver lions
✔️ Equipment for rent for 7 days: T-34, La-5
✔️ Camouflages for T-34, La-5 (forever)
✔️ Decorator “Bear’s Fury”
✔️ 10 backup equipment for rent
✔️ Boosters 50% for experience and silver (available after the first 5 battles)
✔️ Rent for 7 days Yak-1B + unique camouflage (forever)
✔️ Rent for 7 days Yak-1 + unique camouflage (forever)
✔️ Decal “White Lily of Stalingrad”
✔️ Avatar Lidiya Vladimirovna Litvyak
If you already have an account, then by clicking on the link you will only receive:
✔️ Rent for 7 days Yak-1B + unique camouflage (forever)
✔️ Rent for 7 days Yak-1 + unique camouflage (forever)
✔️ Decal “White Lily of Stalingrad”
✔️ Avatar Lidiya Vladimirovna Litvyak
If you have not logged into the game for more than 6 months, you will be able to claim all rewards.