⭐️ Buying this product you get:
🎮 1) A Steam account with the STARFIELD PREMIUM EDITION game for offline games, the account is shared, while all the saves will be stored on your PC, no one will interfere with you during the game.
✅ The most detailed instructions for activating the game;
✅ Download the game directly from Steam;
✅ You activate the game yourself, without third-party activator programs;
✅ After purchase, you will immediately receive: Login and Password from the steam account with the game STARFIELD PREMIUM EDITION
2) 🎮 Instructions for activating the game:
1. Log in to your Steam account under the received data;
2. Download the game from the library;
3. Enter the game once online to the main menu, then exit;
4. Switch the Steam client to offline mode;
5. Play.
1) You can easily change Steam accounts between each other, i.e. you will not need to request a code every time.
3) The ability to update the game.
4) Activation takes place without third-party programs.
5) Access remains yours forever.
✔️ You get a login and password from a shared Steam account, you download it from my account (or separately) and then play offline for an unlimited time (detailed activation instructions are attached) and at the same time all the saves are STORED ON YOUR PC.✔️
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