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Synergy test>Compensation policy of the organization>Answers Final test pass 88/100 points Pass
Levels of satisfaction of human needs are divided into
luxury level

Needs from a psychological point of view are divided into levels

Which of the following is true: “KPI-based bonus system is…
payment of monetary remuneration for the absence of violations of labor discipline
calculation of payment in accordance with the length of service at this enterprise
technology for determining results and calculating monetary rewards based on these results

According to the typological model of labor motivation V.I. Gerchikov, labor behavior, characterized by voluntary acceptance of responsibility, an aggravated demand for freedom of action, belongs to ... the type of employees.

The typical tools of moral motivation of an individual nature include
public verbal thanks from the CEO
solemn presentation of the winner´s diploma to the team of the subdivision
inclusion of an employee in the number of reserve candidates for promotion
corporate field trip

The means, methods, conditions that ensure the exercise by the employee of his rights in the field of social and labor relations are ... guarantees

The types of work motivation include
disciplinary action
collective form of work
financial reward
moral encouragement, social approval

Forms of oral moral encouragement of employees used in the organization must have ... character
strictly individual
standard (for all the same) character
mostly standard (for all the same) character

Which of the following is true: "Motivation is
techniques and methods of work with this production technology
the process of motivating oneself and others to act to achieve personal or organizational goals
relationships that arise in the course of doing work

The minimum wage (MPOT) is −
amount of money paid to an employee
the minimum amount of monetary remuneration approved by law, accrued to an employee when he works out the full norm of working time for a month
the minimum amount of money received by an employee in the current year

Which of the statements is correct: “According to the theory of expectations of V. Vroom, the results of remuneration should correspond, in the opinion of the employee:
the task set by the manager
costs incurred, employee efforts
official duties.

What methods of motivating employees can be used to meet the need for security:
public recognition of success
creation of guarantees for the preservation of one´s official position
providing work that requires full dedication
development of all forms of material incentives

The state guarantee to working citizens for an annual salary increase due to an increase in consumer prices for goods and services is called ... wages

The procedure for basic and additional remuneration of employees of the organization should be fixed ...
in individual labor contracts;
in a special corporate local act;
both in a special corporate local act and in individual labor contracts.

Determine which groups of theories of motivation include the following:
Content theories of motivation
Process theories of motivation
Victor Vroom´s expectancy theory
Abraham Maslow´s theory of needs
John Stacy Adams´ theory of justice
two-factor theory by Frederik Herzberg

In one organization ... use different employee bonus schemes
can not
usually cannot

Which of the following statements is correct: "A stimulus is...
desire to achieve something
external influence on the employee in order to enhance his activities
the result obtained from the activity
Establish a correspondence and determine what type of labor motivation the listed remunerations and incentives belong to:
Financial reward
Organization and content of labor
moral encouragement

quarterly bonus
board of honors
home office equipment
tutoring allowance
memorable gift
flexible work schedule
verbal gratitude
commission percentage for the sale of goods

Choose from the following hygiene factors according to the theory of F. Herzberg
working conditions
recognition and approval of the results of work, increasing the significance
relationship with boss, co-workers
high degree of responsibility

Diagnostics of the current motivation system includes the steps
holding a meeting of the labor collective with a discussion of the current wages
analysis of methods, forms and elements of motivation existing in the organization - internal research
labor market research - external research
development of recommendations on the formation of a new system of motivation and remuneration

What level of needs in the theory of A. Maslow refers to the need for recognition and success:
level of physiological needs
the need for respect, self-importance
need for security
need for self-expression

An individual combination of motives (a person’s motivator at a particular moment is called ... profile

Which of the following is true: "Wage labor is
transfer, sale by an employee of his ability to work for temporary use to the owner of the means of production in exchange for wages
work performed by an employee at the behest of an employer
interests, under the direction and control of a legal entity that is not the employer of this employee
hiring a specialist to perform a specific task without formalizing an employment relationship

The motivational profile of a person is characterized
level of professional knowledge
changing motives over time and under the influence of circumstances
the influence of many motives - polymotivation
the original difference in people´s needs
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