❗This product is not an official interface and requires calling a third-party interface (opened by our store). Only the Key is provided and no official account is provided
❗This product only supports the Chat model, high rate requests are unstable, please note when purchasing.
✅If you need the full gpt-3.5 model and stable, go to:
https://top.steamkeygift.ru/item/4348656🎁After purchase you will get
✅A API url like "
https://api.******.com", you need to change your endpoint by use it
✅A API key like "sk-xxx", you need to change your API-key by use it, which can find in request header like ´Authorization: Bearer sk-xxxx´
✅When you buy one, it contains 20$ OpenAI quota, and buy N, it was 20$ * N OpenAI quota you will get
💯Support model
✅ gpt-3.5-turbo
✅ gpt-3.5-turbo-0301
✅ gpt-3.5-turbo-0613
✅ gpt-3.5-turbo-0125
✅ gpt-3.5-turbo-1106
✅ gpt-3.5-turbo-16k
✅ gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613
✅ gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct
✅ gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct-0914
⚡Beforre access our third-party API, please confirm if your side can meet the following two usage conditions:
⚡You can change the endpoint address of the API´s base, usually ´api.openai.com´
⚡API Keys can be changed
⚡Both of the above must be met, otherwise our third-party API cannot be used.
⚡We will provide an API address and a third-party key generated by us.
⚡You only need to change these two places, and the input and return parameters of other interfaces are completely consistent with those of openai
⚡Starts from the day of you purchase and is valid for one month. You need to use it within one month, otherwise it will become invalid⚡⚡⚡⚡
🎁Docking process
✅ Purchase this product and provide a unique code to the seller.
✅ The seller creates third-party user credentials for you and generates tokens to deliver to you.
✅ Change the domain name. You need to include the openai address you requested in your project
https://api.openai.com Change to the address we provided to you
✅ Replace the Key. You need to replace the Key `sk-***` you obtained in the platform.openai.com with the Key `sk-***` provided in our store in your project
✅ Testing and usage. If you encounter any issues during the testing process, please contact us for feedback.💯
✅ For a postive feedback, I award the buyer a gift certificate in the amount 5% of the total amount paid💯
✅ I may give discount depending on the number of units paid for you💯