12. What components make up the process of self-identification:
A) thinking and feeling;
B) experience and meaning;
C) thinking, experiencing and giving meaning
D) thinking, feeling, experiencing and giving meaning
13. What factors are leading in the burnout of a social worker:
A) physical fatigue;
B) lack of results of labor;
C) lack of satisfaction with the results of work;
D) all of the above.
14. What is the nature of the professional identity of a social worker:
A) psychological, health-saving, social.
B) social and psychological;
C) only psychological
D) pedagogical
15. What factor of the professional activity of a social worker or a group of factors hinder the formation of professional identity.
16. What reasons, in your opinion, can serve as a reason for leaving this profession?
17 Establish which author belongs to the classification according to the professional development of the personality
18 Match the terms and their meanings related to the stabilizing function of professional activity
19 Determine the correct sequence of the process of professional self-identification:
A) 1. Knowledge of the profession, definition of its image (model of the ideal professional).
2. Determination of one´s attitude to this profession, which can be both positive (positive self-identification) and negative (negative self-identification).
3. Formation of motivation for training in this profession.
4. The study of this profession.
B) 1. Knowledge of the profession, definition of its image (model of the ideal professional).
2. The study of this profession.
3. Determination of one´s attitude to this profession, which can be both positive (positive self-identification) and negative (negative self-identification).
4. Formation of motivation for training in this profession.
C) 1. The study of this profession.
2. Knowledge of the profession, definition of its image (model of the ideal professional).
3. Determination of one´s attitude to this profession, which can be both positive (positive self-identification) and negative (negative self-identification).
4. Formation of motivation for training in this profession.
D) 1. Knowledge of the profession, definition of its image (model of the ideal professional).
2. Determination of one´s attitude to this profession, which can be both positive (positive self-identification) and negative (negative self-identification).
3. The study of this profession.
4. Formation of motivation for training in this profession.
20. Determine the correct sequence of identity development in accordance with the theory of D. Marsh
A) early premature identification; indefinite blurred identity; moratorium stage, mature identity achieved.
B) indefinite blurred identity; early premature identification; moratorium stage, mature identity achieved.
C) early premature identification; indefinite blurred identity; achieved mature identity; moratorium stage,
D) indefinite blurred identity; early premature identification; achieved mature identity, moratorium stage
12. What components make up the process of self-identification:
A) thinking and feeling;
B) experience and meaning;
C) thinking, experiencing and giving meaning
D) thinking, feeling, experiencing and giving meaning
13. What factors are leading in the burnout of a social worker:
A) physical fatigue;
B) lack of results of labor;
C) lack of satisfaction with the results of work;
D) all of the above.
14. What is the nature of the professional identity of a social worker:
A) psychological, health-saving, social.
B) social and psychological;
C) only psychological
D) pedagogical
15. What factor of the professional activity of a social worker or a group of factors hinder the formation of professional identity.
16. What reasons, in your opinion, can serve as a reason for leaving this profession?
17 Establish which author belongs to the classification according to the professional development of the personality
18 Match the terms and their meanings related to the stabilizing function of professional activity
19 Determine the correct sequence of the process of professional self-identification:
A) 1. Knowledge of the profession, definition of its image (model of the ideal professional).
2. Determination of one´s attitude to this profession, which can be both positive (positive self-identification) and negative (negative self-identification).
3. Formation of motivation for training in this profession.
4. The study of this profession.
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