⭐ After payment, a subscription will be made in your account to the Creator you wish to support. Art by Your Rules.
✨ Patreon is a crowdfunding platform where creators can distribute their work through paid subscriptions or provide additional content to their subscribers, called "patrons."
🏆 By purchasing this service you get:
✔️ Uninterrupted service throughout.
✔️ Subscription to any Creator on Patreon.
✔️ Quick subscription process.
✔️ Quality support.
❓How do you subscribe to your Creator account?
1️⃣ Decide on a Creator subscription on Patreon.
2️⃣ Once you´ve determined your choice of Creator´s Patreon subscription, enter the cost of your subscription in dollars in the "Cost" column on the torov page. And click "Buy Now."
3️⃣ After payment you will receive a unique code, which you will have to write to the seller in a private correspondence or using the contacts in your profile. Also, you will need to write your account data (mail and password) and send a link to Creator with the name of subscription, which you want to subscribe.
4️⃣ The Seller makes the subscription in your account.
5️⃣ It takes 5-15 minutes to sign up (depending on your workload and time of day).
✔️ We don´t store our customers´ data anywhere, everything is 100% confidential.
✔️ Subscription will never go away. Everything is as clean and secure as possible.
⚠️ To save more of your money, pay with your bank card through the LAVA/FREEKASSA/ENOT payment service ⚠️/delivery