Do not forget to tell the unique code to the seller (you will receive after paying for the goods)!✅ Works worldwide
✅ Works on all sites
✅ Supports all currencies (best exchange rates)
✅ Quick automatic receiving of text codes via your Telegram channel - you can YOURSELF get codes at any time of day and night - the service operates 24/7. You will receive instructions on how to receive text codes after payment (there will be a button with additional instructions on the payment page).
✅ You can bind to PayPal. ✅ and get a 4-digit code ✅
✅ The card is valid for 1 day, to extend this time contact us before expiry (free)
✅ Help with usage
Attention: Card NOT for hosting trial. If already have account - can top up.
We only provide support up to 6 hours after purchase. No complaints will be accepted after this period.‼️ This is a digital product, it is not exchangeable or refundable (partial or full). If you have difficulty using the product, please let us know and describe the problem in detail - we will help!
Additional instructions will be provided upon receipt of the product..
Technical specifications of this product:
Currency conversion: YES, any currency works.
Deposit: NO.
Withdrawal, refunds: NO.
Withdrawal: NO.
Address, Name: Use your details.
Textual Verification Required: Yes - you can get it yourself 24/7.
.attentionIf you have any doubts or questions, write to us and we will be glad to help you and guide you in using the card.deliveryIf the card didn´t pass, don´t close the error page and tell us as much information about the error as possible (with screenshot attached). All problems can be solved.
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