We give you the opportunity to download the game to your console so that you can play from your profile.
Console - PS3
Country Russia
The games were bought personally by the seller in the Russian store, the games will be in Russian, provided that the game was translated into it at all.
Account games:
Enemy Front
Instructions for use:
Deactivation is not necessary! we perform all actions immediately from our console.
Instructions for activating your console on a purchased PS3 account:
1. Log in to the system under your user;
2. On the "Users" tab, select the "Create a new user" item, enter a name, and log in as this user.
3. Go to the PlayStationNetwork tab, select "Sign up" - "Use an existing account"
4. Enter the provided login/password data, check the box to save account data. Sign in Playstation Store
5. Go to "View Downloads" and select a game to launch, the console will be activated automatically and the game will start downloading.
6. Go to your user and after completing all the downloads, you can safely PLAY.
If the set-top box is not activated automatically, you need to:
1. Go to the PlayStationNetwork tab
2. Select "Account Management" - "Activate System" - "PS3 System" - "Game" - "Activate System"
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