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Доступно: 1
Загружен: 12.10.2022

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1759 руб.
Приобретая данный товар вы получаете игру No More Heroes 3 в качестве подарка для Российского аккаунта STEAM.


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No More Heroes 3 follows the otaku assassin Travis Touchdown as he takes up his trusty beam katana once more and slashes his way through ten of the deadliest fighters in the galaxy.

The legendary assassin Travis Touchdown returns to the Garden of Madness!
Now he must make it to the top of the Galactic Superhero Rankings in order to stop the evil Prince FU and his nine alien underlings from taking over Earth.

Breathtaking Visuals
Experience the action at 60FPS and in full HD!

Exhilarating Combat
Rack up combos with Travis´ beam katana and experience hack-and-slash action like never before!

Rise Through the Ranks
Ranking battles return on a galactic scale! Out-of-this-world boss fights await Travis as he faces off against a slew of wicked alien “superheroes.”

Explore an All-New Open World
There’s more to see than just Santa Destroy this time around! Hop on Travis’ latest ride, the Demzamtiger, and burn rubber through four all-new locations. Each one is packed with battle and volunteer missions to help you save up for those pricey Galactic Ranking fights.
Ссылка на игру в Steam - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1744330/No_More_Heroes_3/
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