OK-1, OK-3,
OK-4, OK-5, GPC-4 Briefing on familiarization with the requirements of labor protection, safety, fire safety, anti-terrorist safety, internal labor regulations
OK-1, OPK-1,
PC-4, PC-5 To study the legal acts regulating personnel activities in the Russian Federation. Compile a chronological table indicating the dates, characteristics and main essence of regulatory changes in the field of personnel management and labor legislation in the Russian Federation over the past 10 years. Draw conclusions about trends in the development of the sphere;
To study the main information and analytical systems in personnel management in a modern organization. Choose the most optimal system and justify your choice with a detailed description with its advantages and disadvantages.
PC-8, GPC-2, GPC-3 To study the latest literature (including foreign) in the field of personnel management innovations. Make a brief description of the main trends in the development of personnel management in Russia and in the world, draw conclusions. Determine what is the innovation of human resource management of a modern organization.
OK-3, PC-5,
PC-6, PC-7 Select the subject of research: an organization (information and materials of which are publicly available. Acquire and develop the skills of describing the object of research: The official name of the enterprise; Legal form of the enterprise; Type (s) of economic activity (with OKVED codes) ); Organizational structure of the organization: build and describe it; Information about the number of personnel and characteristics of the competencies of employees; Brief historical background on the development of the enterprise; Describe the activities of the organization, main types of products, markets and growth prospects.
OK-3, OK-4, GPC-4, GPC-7, PC-5 registration of the report of educational practice; preparation for the defense of a report on educational practice
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