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Test with answers Food culture of the peoples of the world Synergy. The score is good 80/100 points.
1. Cognac aging time ...
2. Corn was brought to Canada from...
3. Signs that make it possible to distinguish one ethnic group from others, acting as a kind of means of maintaining social boundaries, are called ... markers
4. Kosher food for Jews is the meat of animals that are ...
5. The hallmarks of Yorkshire cuisine are...
6. The main agricultural crop that determines the type of food in Mexico,
7. The birthplace of such drinks as champagne, cognac, armagnac and calvalos, which have become popular all over the world,
counts ...
8. Main indicator. determining the type of food, it is in most cases a form of consumption ...
9. Chinese chefs distinguish between ... cooking
10. Famous Israeli confectionery products include: ...
11. The first place in the world in the production of milled wheat rich in proteins is ...
12. Old Anglo-European table etiquette is observed in ...
13. When serving dishes, guests from Australia should follow the sequence: ...
14. The birthplace of vegetarianism is ...
15. According to the rules of Islam, all food is divided into three groups, in particular, ... - this is food, the use of which is not directly prohibited in the Koran, but it is undesirable to eat it (for example, horse meat)
16. A special love for sausages, sausages and sausages is a characteristic feature of .,. cuisine
17. According to the basic rules of kashrut, Jews are allowed ...
18. Guests from Mexico are recommended to serve ...
19. In Russia, when preparing salads for guests from Brazil, it is not recommended to use ...
20. Horcha - a refreshing drink made from maize flour, common in ...
21. The main wine-growing region of Australia and the birthplace of Australian winemaking is the Valley ...
22. According to Indian eating habits, one cannot ...
23. The Latin word cultura is translated as: ...
24. In Australia, an invitation to dinner actually means “come in at...” and this approach is considered good manners.
25. The Australian wine industry is recognized ... in the world in terms of exports (over 4,000 million liters per year in the international market)
26. According to the rules of Chinese hospitality etiquette, ...
27. For dessert, guests from Australia are recommended to serve ...
28. The basis of Brazilian cuisine is made up of components such as ...
29. Antipasto in Italian cuisine refers to the type of food served ...
30. Chefs in China can work ...
31. According to the rules of Islam, all food is divided into three groups, in particular, halyap is ...
32. Italians are great connoisseurs of bread; in Italy there are about ... different types of bread
33. Such Brazilian dishes as itapoa, takaka but tukupi, frigideira, vatapa, caruru are prepared from ...
34. An important component for the Australian economy is such a culture as ...
35. Mexico is rich in exotic vegetables and fruits, in particular ... it is a green and light green pear fruit weighing 300-700 g and 8-15 cm long with hard pulp that does not have a characteristic taste
36. In the land of the rising sun ... strictly established varieties of the tea ceremony
37. In the French food culture, there is such a position as an entreme, which is ...
38. The basis of Argentinean cuisine is dishes from ...
39. Traditional Argentine snack, which is hard-boiled eggs, cut in half and consumed with mayonnaise and mustard, is called ...
40. One of the ancient wines of China - yellow wine (Huangjiu), is made from ...
41. The cuisine of Mexico began its ascent at the beginning of the 16th century. thanks to reunion... and Native American tradition
42. The peculiarities of Canadian cuisine include ...
43. A historically determined level of development of society, the creative forces and abilities of a person, expressed in the types and forms of organizing the life and activities of people, in their relationships, as well as in the material and spiritual values ​​\u200b\u200bcreated by them, is ...
44. In the USA, the state specializes in the production of buffalo ...
45. In the UK, cheese is developed, cheese ... is a soft, semi-cooked Scottish cheese that has been produced since the time of the Vikings
46. ​​Thanks to trade and cultural ties with India, karak tea has become popular in the United Arab Emirates, which in Hindi means ...
47. The leading branch of agriculture in India is ...

Topic 1. Food culture as part of material culture
Topic 2. Features of the food culture of European residents
Topic 3. Features of the food culture of South American countries
Topic 4. Features of the food culture of North America and the USA
Topic 5. Features of food culture in the Middle East
Topic 6. Features of food culture in Asian countries
Topic 7. Features of food culture in Australia
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