Content: Установка силового трансформатора ТМГ-160 кВА.rar (191.50 KB)
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Rabochiy proyekt ustanovki silovogo transformatora TMG-160 kVA. Transformator i sposob yego ustanovki razrabotan na osnovanii TU 3411-001-72210708-2004 ZAO "Gruppa kompaniy "Elektroshchit"- TM Samara". Sostav chertezhey na ustanovku TMG-160 kVA: - Obshchiye dannyye. - Skhema raspolozheniya stroitelʹnykh konstruktsiy podstantsii. - Fundament FM-1. - Transformator silovoy TMG-160/6-U1. Plan, vidy. - Spetsifikatsiya oborudovaniya i materialov k listu 4. Format - DWG, sovmestimyy s AutoCAD 2004-2017, Kompas, ZWCAD, nanoCAD, BricsCAD i t.d.
521 / 5 000
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Working project for the installation of a power transformer TMG-160 kVA.
The transformer and the method of its installation were developed on the basis of TU 3411-001-72210708-2004 of CJSC Electroshield Group of Companies - TM Samara.
The composition of the drawings for the TMG-160 kVA unit:
- Common data.
- Scheme of the location of building structures of the substation.
- Foundation FM-1.
- Power transformer TMG-160/6-U1. Plan, views.
- Specification of equipment and materials to sheet 4.

Format - DWG compatible with AutoCAD 2004-2017, Compass, ZWCAD, nanoCAD, BricsCAD, etc.
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