Content: CASE-580-590-695 - Service manual ru.pdf (49.06 MB)
Uploaded: 06.06.2022

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The Russified maintenance and repair manual for CASE 580SR / 580SR+ / 590SR / 695SR backhoe loader models contains the necessary technical information for servicing and repairing the machine, the necessary tools to perform these operations and information about the standard of service, about the procedures for connecting, disconnecting, disassembling and assembly of parts.
Print No. 87643852B
Machine translation of the document into Russian with maximum preservation of the original structure of the document. Periodic manual corrections are applied for readability of tables, as well as duplication of translated pages with complex block diagrams to their original source pages. The document was verified in practice by experienced specialists in the maintenance and repair of the excavator - loader.

Size: 50 Mb
Format: PDF
Pages: 1080
Language: RU
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