RuTube | Subscribers to the channel
Attention! Before buying, be sure to read the product description from beginning to end, so as not to ask questions after your order has already been processed or has already been completed.
Cancellation of the order is not possible. By creating and paying for an order, you automatically agree to this.
Channel Requirements:
1) You must have a live channel with an avatar and with a design;
2) The channel must have its own content. Minimum of 1 video;
3) Do NOT ORDER SUBSCRIBERS IN OTHER SERVICES until you receive a message about the full fulfillment of your order and during the entire warranty period.
No guarantees apply to channels that do not meet these requirements.
There are no unsubscriptions and write-offs, but just in case - a 60-day warranty.
The start of the launch is 1-24 hours.
After completion, you can order again (up to 10000).
Repeat order only after the full execution of the current order.
As a rule, there are no unsubscriptions and write-offs, but in case of a decrease in the number of subscribers, you can apply for restoration in the purchase chat, during the warranty period.
After payment, you will receive a 16-digit "UNIQUE CODE" for payment confirmation.
This "UNIQUE CODE" must be passed to the seller for verification.
Payment will not be credited to the seller´s account until the "UNIQUE CODE" is verified.
To complete the transaction, follow these steps:
Option A:
1) On the purchase page, under the "contact details" and "additional information" form, check the box next to "yes, I want to immediately send a unique code to the seller."
2) Click "SAVE". (The code will be sent to the seller automatically).
Option B:
1) On the purchase page, copy the received unique code to the clipboard.
2) Scroll down the page and click the "CHAT WITH SELLER" button.
3) Paste the unique code from the clipboard into the message and click "SEND MESSAGE".
This instruction is mandatory for everyone!
No actions will be performed on your order until you receive a "UNIQUE CODE" confirming the payment.
Send the "UNIQUE CODE" immediately. Don´t waste your time and mine on unnecessary correspondence.
See the screenshots for how to send the code quickly and correctly.
The code must be sent only by the above methods. If you send the code in some other way, then there is no guarantee that the code will be delivered.