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Answers to tests Mathematical methods of information security Synergy. Result 87

1.Phoneme is ...
elementary symbol
consonant component of language
vowel component of language
elementary sound of the tongue

2.The imitation insert is designed to test ...
message content
message privacy
message integrity
message availability

3.The secret sharing method is used primarily to reduce risks ...
integrity of information
procedures for receiving information
decision-making procedures
communication procedures

4.In an asymmetric encryption system for independent operation of N subscribers ...
2N keys
N * N keys
N (N-1)
N! keys

5.In an asymmetric RSA cryptosystem ...
the public key is generated by the recipient and the private key is generated by the sender
public and private keys are generated by the recipient
the private key is generated by the recipient and the public key is generated by the sender
public and private keys are generated by the sender

6.For initial key distribution ...
any communication channel is required
a secure communication channel is required
communication channel is optional
it is not necessary to have a secure communication channel

7. It is not true that the disadvantages of symmetric encryption systems include ...
communication channel requirements
key generation service requirements
cryptographic strength of cipher
key distribution requirements

8.Transmission of a symmetric key over unprotected channels in an open form ...
not allowed
allowed, depending on the circumstances
allowed in parts

9.The length of the ciphertext must be ...
multiple of the length of the source text
longer source text
shorter length of the original text
equal to the length of the original text

10 Substitution of an encrypted message involves ...
duplicate message
message delay
destroying a message
message modification

11.In a symmetric system, the recipient and sender use to encrypt and decrypt the message ...
the same key
two different keys
more than two keys
don´t use keys

12. The average duration of a fricative sound is ...
5-10 ms
10-20 ms
20-50 ms
50-80 ms

13. The average duration of an explosive sound is ...
no more than 5 msec
from 5 to 10 ms
from 10 to 15 ms
15 to 20 ms

14. The disadvantage of asymmetric encryption systems is ...
the number of keys required to work on the network
the need for secure channels for key exchange
speed of work
key distribution procedure

15 Diffie-Hellman security is based on complexity ...
solutions of equations of elliptic curves
factorization problems
discrete logarithm problems
potentiation tasks

16. The maximum number of rounds of encryption according to the GOST 28147-89 standard is ...

17. It is not true that the disadvantages of asymmetric cryptosystems include ...
the ability to change the key
the need for secure channels for key exchange
lack of mathematical proof of irreversibility of functions used in asymmetric algorithms
speed of work

18 Practical Implementation of the Diffie-Hellman Algorithm ...
does not rule out emulation of messages
eliminates imitation of messages
provides for mandatory imitation of messages
increases the likelihood of spoofing messages

19. The adversary, making a substitution or imitation of a message, proceeds from the assumption that ...
the new cryptogram will be perceived as meaningful text in the old key
the new cryptogram will be perceived as meaningful text in a new key
the new cryptogram will be perceived as meaningful text on the current key
the new cryptogram will be perceived as meaningful text on the reserve key

20. The reliability of the RSA algorithm is based on ...
on the complexity of finding pairs of coprime numbers
on the difficulty of factorizing large numbers and the complexity of computing discrete logarithms in a finite field
on the difficulty of finding the coordinates of a point
21. It is not true that the advantages of flow systems include ...
error propagation characteristics
design features
features of the formation of encryption sequences
communication channel requirements

22 Diffie-Hellman Protocol ...
prescribes mutual authentication of the interacting parties
prohibits mutual authentication of the interacting parties
does not provide for mutual authentication of interacting parties
allows mutual authentication of interacting parties

23. It is not true that in the artificial formation of a speech signal such a characteristic is used as ...
mid-tone frequency
timing chart

24. The basis for the formation of symmetric encryption algorithms is the assumption that
no one has access to encrypted data, except for the persons who own the key
inaccessibility of the key to unauthorized persons ensures guaranteed protection of information
encrypted data cannot be read by anyone who does not have the key to decrypt it
inaccessibility of data on the cryptoalgorithm to unauthorized persons ensures guaranteed information protection

25 Meaningful Plaintext Derived from the Decryption of a Cryptogram Using a One-Time Pad ...
have different probabilities
have a conditional probability
have zero probability

26 In stream ciphers at one point in time, the encryption procedure is performed over ...
an arbitrary number of characters
one character
2 characters
2N characters

27 Public and Private Keys in an Asymmetric System ...
are randomly selected
the public key is formed according to the algorithm, and the private key is chosen at random
the private key is generated according to the algorithm, and the public key is randomly selected
are formed (generated) in pairs

28. When considering the practical strength of ciphers, it is assumed that for the cipher in question, there will usually be ...
two solutions cryptogram
the only solution to the cryptogram
the number of solutions is determined by the type of cryptoalgorithm
the number of solutions is determined by the length of the original message

29. The measure of the imitation strength of the cipher is the probability of a successful ...
interception of information by the enemy
enemy decryption of information
adversary imposing false information
distortion of information by the enemy

30 In a perfect (ideal) cipher, the posterior probabilities of plaintext (calculated after obtaining the cryptogram) ...
more than their prior probabilities
less than their prior probabilities
depend on their prior probabilities
coincide with their prior probabilities
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