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Mathematics and statistics 1 semester Answers Synergy. Score 97 points (Excellent)

By the coverage of the aggregate units, they are distinguished ...
continuous and discontinuous observation
direct observation, documentary observation and questioning
continuous, one-time and periodic observation

If the number of levels in the series is even, then the time indicator t by the conditional zero method is set as ...
t = ..., -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...
t = ..., -5, -3, -1, 1, 3, 5, ...
t = ..., -3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3, ...
The object of statistics is the study ...
statistical populations
the relationship between socio-economic phenomena through statistical indicators
quantitative aspect of mass socio-economic phenomena and processes

If the average monthly nominal accrued wages of employees in the Russian Federation in 2011 amounted to 23369.2 rubles, then in this case, from the point of view of statistical categories, the indicator is ...
average monthly nominal accrued wages
RUB 23,369.2
Russian Federation

The indicator “Ratio of labor costs for top managers of the enterprise to the volume of costs for the main personnel of the enterprise” is an example of a relative indicator ...
implementation of the target

The distribution median is ...
the value of the trait under study, which is repeated with the greatest frequency
difference between the largest and the smallest values ​​of the variable attribute
the value of a feature in the middle of the ranked population

If you know the correlation coefficient equal to -0.603, and the regression equation constructed by the least squares method Yx = 38.2 - 5.3X, then the value of Y at X = 5 will be ...

Mechanical sampling is carried out only by ... selection

In the presented series of distributions (see table), the modal interval is ...
Auditing firm revenue
For the first half of 2013, million rubles Number of firms
Up to 5 40
5-10 26
10-15 10
15–20 14
20-25 5
25 and more 5
Total 100
up to 5

If the average value of the trait in the aggregate was 100, and the standard deviation was 28, then the coefficient of variation would be ...

In the direction of communication, there is ... communication

The characteristic of the sample, depending on the level of probability, with which it is guaranteed that the average value of the characteristic in the general population will not go beyond the calculated boundaries, is ...
marginal sampling error
error of representativeness
mean sampling error

If the relative indicator of the implementation of the production plan by the enterprise was 103%, and the volume of production increased by 2% compared to the previous period, then the plan provided for ... the volume of production

Variation means change ...
mass events in time
the composition of the objects of the statistical population
characteristic values ​​for different units of the population

Absolute indicators reflect ...
ratio of values ​​of individual indicators
the difference between the values ​​of individual indicators
sizes and characteristics of individual objects

With an increase in all variants of attribute values ​​by A units, the average value ...
will increase by A units
Will not change
will increase by A times
decrease by A units

When comparing all levels of a number of dynamics with the first level, the calculated indicators are called ...
If the turnover in the whole commodity group in June amounted to 900 thousand rubles, and in May (with a fixed sales volume at the level of June) - 850 thousand rubles, this indicates the value of ...
cost overruns by 50 thousand rubles. from price changes
savings of buyers by 50 thousand rubles. from cost price changes
cost overruns by 800 thousand rubles. from price changes

If the dependence of the cost of an advertisement (Y, rubles) on the number of readership (X, thousand people) is described by the equation Yx = 1300 5X and the number of the audience reaches 10 thousand people, then the cost of an advertisement will be ...
RUB 50
1 305 RUB
RUB 1 310
1 350 rub.

To get a relative indicator of dynamics with a variable base of comparison for the i-th period, you need ...
divide the value of the indicator in the i-th period by the value of the indicator in the previous i-th period
divide the value of the indicator in period i by the value corresponding to the initial period of the considered series of dynamics
divide the indicator value in period (i - 1) by the indicator value in period i

To get a relative indicator of dynamics with a variable base of comparison for the i-th period, you need ...
divide the value of the indicator in period i by the value corresponding to the initial period of the considered series of dynamics
divide the value of the indicator in the i-th period by the value of the indicator in the previous i-th period
divide the indicator value in period (i - 1) by the indicator value in period i
The range of variation of the grouping attribute is determined by the formula ...
R = xMax - xMin
h = (xMax - xMin) / M
M = 13.322 * lg N

The indicator "Ruble against the dollar" is an example of a relative indicator ...

With a functional relationship between X and Y, the value of the correlation coefficient ...
equal to one
equal to zero
close to zero
close to one

With an increase in all values ​​of the attribute by 6 times, the standard deviation ...
Will not change
will increase 6 times
will increase 4 times
If the cost of production increased by 15%, and the number of products decreased by 7%, then the production cost index will be ...

The largest value of the feature in the interval is called ... the boundary

If the volume of investments is characterized by the following series of dynamics, RUB mln. by months of 2013 (see table), then the average absolute increase in investment volume over the last 3 months is ...
January February March April May June July
90.0 92.0 80.0 78.0 86.0 60.0 80.0
-2 million rubles
-3 million rubles.
RUB 2 million
RUB 3 million

If the HR manager for the study of the quarterly labor productivity indicators of managers working with individuals of the corporation extracted a systematic sample of 30 people out of 150 managers on the staff, then the percentage of selection of the sample he compiled is ...
50 %
thirty %
20 %

With a direct connection with an increase or decrease in X ...
the value of Y decreases or increases
the value of Y increases or decreases
the Y value remains unchanged

The basis of the grouping may be ... a sign
only high quality
only quantitative
both qualitative and quantitative
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