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Leading Clinical Psychology Test Synergy Responses
30 questions - rating Good
Relate the numbers of the primary fields of the cerebral cortex with their function for the perception process:
A. 41st field
B. 17th field
C. 3rd field
D. Function of skin-kinesthetic sensitivity
E. vision function
F. hearing function

The term "psychosomatic" was introduced ...
I. Heinrotom in 1818
F. Dunbar in 1900
M. Jacobi in 1822 F.
Alexander in 1895

Somatonozognosy is ...
denial of disease and symptoms
attitude to the disease, which is formed at various stages of a person’s response to his painful condition
exaggeration of signs of illness and subjective complaints
underestimation of the severity and severity of the disease as a whole and its individual symptoms to patients

The most sensitive periods of childhood, in which the most likely occurrence of mental development disorders when exposed to various harmful effects is the age gap between ... years
4th and 11th
0–3rd and 11–15th
3-5th and 11-13th
2-4th and 11-14th

In Russia, the specialty of a clinical psychologist was officially introduced in ...
1980 year
2000 year
2001 year

A violation of the recognition of the shape of objects to the touch is called ...
optical spatial agnosia
tactile agraphy
tactile asymmetry

The description below refers to a type of dysontogenesis, such as ... Children with these disorders practically do not feel the need for knowledge, as a result of which they receive incomplete, and sometimes distorted, ideas about the environment. Their perception, in particular, the generalization of perception, its pace, is disturbed. Such children require significantly more time to capture new material. Difficulties in perception are aggravated by the peculiarities of thinking: a decrease in the ability to single out the main thing when analyzing the phenomena of surrounding reality and establishing internal connections between parts of the whole.
mental retardation
disharmonious mental development
mental underdevelopment
distorted mental development

Place the severity (in%) of the various forms of addictive behavior among relatives of the addict:
A. Gambling
B. Overvalued hobbies, “paranoia of health”
C. Alcohol addiction
D. Workaholism
E. Religious fanaticism

F. 22.6%
G. 16.1%
H. 9.7%
I. 12.9%
J. 38.7%

Relate the strategy of behavior in conflict with the individual psychological characteristics of the people who choose it:
A. Avoidance Strategy
B. Adaptation Strategy
C. Competition Strategy
D. Cooperation Strategy

E. low degree of objective (that is, directed to the business) activity and high emotionality, understood as sensitivity to the discrepancy between the expected and the obtained result, negative attitude towards oneself and a low level of self-management F. high degree of substantive ergism (i.e. the need for hard work), lower indicators of emotionality, internality of the locus of control and a positive attitude towards oneself and others
G. low rates on the parameters of subject and communicative activity
H. A high level of emotionality in the communicative sphere, an external locus of control and a pronounced expectation of negative attitudes from others

Relate the name of aphasia to the speech implications it implies:
A. Efferent motor aphasia
B. Amnestic aphasia
C. Sensory aphasia
D. Dynamic aphasia
E. Acoustic-mnestic aphasia
F. Semantic aphasia

G. A weakened understanding of complex grammatical constructions, reflecting the simultaneous analysis and synthesis of phenomena
H. Difficulties in naming objects rarely used in speech while maintaining the volume of the retained speech row by ear
I. the ability to pronounce only inarticulate sounds, while maintaining articulatory abilities and understanding of speech
J. violation of the internal program of expression and its implementation in external speech ..
It is not true that ... can be attributed to disciplines related to clinical psychology
psychological rehabilitation
developmental psychology
clinical neuropsychology
population medicine

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome may be otherwise designated as ...
autopsychic depersonalization with elements of derealization
somatopsychic depersonalization

Japanese taijin kyofusho syndrome, introduced into the DSM-5 classification system, includes ...
fear of disgrace or fear of self-humiliation and anxiety about insulting others fear of enclosed spaces
fear of harming anyone
fear of marriage

The essence of the methodology of psychotherapy and psychocorrection, which was called the symbolic drama, is that ...
The game form, in which the symbol drama is held, allows you to locate a child for yourself for further experimental research
unconscious conflicts and fears of a child are revealed in a playful way
the use of symbols helps in working with adolescents with a personality disorder like psychopathy
being a conversational technique, the symbol drama actualizes the development of speech in children with speech disorders

The term "comorbidity" means ...
the presence of a mental and somatic disease in the same person at a time
the presence of several chronic diseases, interconnected by a single pathogenetic mechanism
diagnosis of premorbid personality traits leading to mental disorders
the presence of adaptive disorders resulting from mental illness

The law of diminishing specificity, according to which the second functional block of the brain works, suggests that ...
the underdevelopment of the primary fields in a child leads to the loss of later functions (bottom-up principle), and in an adult with a fully developed psychological system, tertiary zones control the work of the secondary ones subordinate to them and, if the latter are damaged, have a compensating effect on their work
the most modally specific (in this case, focused on a specific property of an object captured by a particular type of analyzer) are primary zones, and tertiary zones are generally overmodal
as you ascend from primary to tertiary zones, the differentiation of the functions of the left and right hemispheres increases

The basis ... of the functional block of the brain are the primary fields of the cerebral cortex
the first

Alexithymia is ...
preference for emotional-sensory response to verbal-logical impossibility to verbalize the characteristics of pain in the body, as well as insensitivity to sensations of a certain modality
denial of negative experiences, including pain, which is the action of psychological defense of the lowest level
the inability to express one’s own feelings, emotions and feelings, the inability of a person to be in contact with his own inner world

In existentially-humanistic psychology, the mechanism and condition for the development of pathology is considered ...
rejection of growth and development
early traumatic experiences
disorders of higher mental functions
contradictions and conflicts in the system of relations

The first psychological laboratory in Russia was founded in ...

It is not true that this kind of agnosia, such as ..., refers to opto-spatial agnosia
agnosia of depth
unilateral spatial agnosia

Gnostic disorders leading to impaired perception of form, symbols, spatial relationships, sounds and speech are associated with defeat ...
secondary fields
limbic system
peripheral, subcortical levels of the analyzer system and primary cortical field
medial and basal parts of the frontal and temporal lobes

Classifications of mental dysontogenesis in psychology include classification ...
J. Schwalbe
O.P. Yurieva
V.V. Lebedinsky

A secondary defect occurs during the development of a child with impaired psychophysical development if ...
primary defect is determined by biological factors
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