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Release Date: September 28, 2019
Early Access Game
Developer: Sugoi Yellow
Publisher: GrabTheGames
Region: Region Free / Global (no limit)
Activation: Steam
Ruins to Rumble is a Colony management game in a sandbox side scroller environment.Gather resources to build your base and defend from AI invading factions.
Recruit more civilians to expand your faction.
Invade hostile factions and pillage islands and Micromanage your civilization.
With a unique mix of genres Ruins to Rumble offers a new perspective on the colony survival and sandbox genres.
As your civilization grows so do your enemies, Grow attached to your civilians as they become more experienced.Losing a civilian is permanent so decision making and strategy is key for survival whether it be exploring, invading, or defending.
Each worker in your faction is given a role.As the player you can only control one civilian at a time but you can set others to do their specified task in a selected area
Roles are the backbone of the civilization, one single person cant do everything so you switch between workers to manage your island.
Opposing factions inhabit the world. However some are inherently friendly others might require you to earn their trust. Each faction has their own team color, islands and relations with each other and the player.
Throughout the world you can explore to discover new biomes.From the hot sand dunes of a desert island to the freezing cold spikes of an Ice glacier.
Each of these biomes have their own restrictions and challenges.