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Uploaded: 11.01.2020

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"A word game." The program selects a word and draws as many dashes on the screen as there are words in a word. Guess the word. If the letter that is included in this word is called, then it is substituted instead of a dash. Otherwise, the player loses one point. At the beginning, the player has 15 points.
The program consists of two functions. The main one, which generates a random number n, opens the file and extracts a word with the serial number n from the file. Then the word processing function (drawWord) is called as a parameter, the word read from the file is passed to it. The function replaces the letters in the word with dashes and displays it on the screen. Then, it expects the user to enter a letter. The entered letter is analyzed, if it is present in the word, then the corresponding dash is replaced by this letter, if not, then the user is charged one out of 15 points.
Guessing ends if the user runs out of points or he guesses the word.
The result is displayed.
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