Content: возможность использования комплексов упражнений, специально направленных на развитие скоростно-силов (35.24 KB)
Uploaded: 10.01.2020

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Abstract: The article describes and substantiates the possibility of using sets of exercises specifically aimed at the development of speed and strength abilities of volleyball players of secondary school age. The study presents the development of sets of exercises specifically aimed at the development of speed and strength abilities of volleyball players. The results of a pedagogical experiment to test the effectiveness of the use of these complexes are also described.
On the basis of the abovementioned analysis of the obtained results, it can be stated that the working hypothesis put forward by us at the beginning of the research was fully confirmed by the pedagogical experiment.
The method, which includes complexes of exercises specifically aimed at developing the speed-force abilities of those engaged in the volleyball section, has shown its effectiveness.
Changes in the results of the initial and final testing showed that the subjects of the experimental group surpassed their opponents from the control group in all indicators.
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