Content: бизнес - плана торгового предприятия.doc (361.00 KB)
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Table of contents
Introduction 3
Chapter 1: Theoretical aspects of developing a business plan for trade 7
companies 7
1.1 The economic substance of developing a business - trade plan 7
Enterprises 7
1.2 Methodology for evaluating the development of a business plan for a trade company 12
1.3 Problems in developing a business plan for a trade enterprise and path 14
decisions 14
Chapter 2: Analysis of Mars Ltd. 28
2.1 Brief description 28
2.2 Analysis of key performance indicators 31
2.3 Labour force analysis 32
2.4 Analysis of circulation costs 36
Chapter 3: Developing a new direction for the business plan at Mars LLC 39
Conclusion 50
List of used literature 53


Relevance of the research topic. Innovation and innovation processes in the modern economy play a crucial role in the acquisition and support of enterprise strengths in the competitive struggle. Increased competition in the field of architectural design puts new demands on the planning of enterprises.
For the purpose of successful development, enterprises of the service sector need to use modern methods and techniques of activity organization, which help to strengthen the image of the enterprise and increase its competitiveness. It is also necessary to improve the planning of organizations´ activities.
Relevance of the topic of work is due to the fact that the business plan allows you to show the benefits of the proposed project and attract potential financial partners. In its sections the main idea and purpose of business, the specifics of the product, market assessment, strategy of behavior of the firm, the production structure.
Getting by the enterprise of market advantages, which provide its stability not only in the short term, but also in the long term, is possible due to purposeful activity, taking into account changes of external environment and possibility of adaptation to changes taking place. With this in mind, the use of planning in enterprise activities has recently become increasingly important.
In order to define achievable strategic goals and formulate criteria for building strategic plans, it is necessary to take into account resource capacities of enterprises, including financial ones. Changes in ownership forms and expansion of management powers at enterprises have led to the emergence of a wider range of strategic process participants, whose strategic goals are often contradictory. In addition, the effectiveness of strategic plans implementation will depend on the interest of production process participants in achieving corporate strategic goals.
In today´s world, the creation and production of new products is crucial to the prosperity of a firm. Consumers want and expect new and improved products. And competitors will do their best to provide them with these novelties. Therefore, each firm must have its own program of new product development, aimed at the future, and taking into account the property of the goods, such as "mortality", ie leave the market after a certain time. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly plan replacements.
Organizations should constantly develop new products and services. Their current products have a limited lifespan and should be replaced by newer products. But new products can fail - the risk of failure of a new product is as great as the probability of its success. The key to a new product´s success lies in the efforts of the company as a whole, in careful planning and methodical development of new products. If a company wants to at least maintain its market share, it must constantly update its products.
To do so, it is necessary to constantly search for new product ideas. Thus the flow of ideas should be big enough to allow to choose some perspective offers. There are many reasons for the failure of a new product, but almost all of them are associated with market research at the stages of development of a new product.
According to a number of studies, among such factors of success of a new product as the combination of uniqueness and quality, superior to the quality of competitive products, is the close cooperation of all company structures at the technological and marketing stages of product development and quality implementation of the conceived at all stages. But there is another problem: in the practice of many companies described above stages of the process of developing a new product follow each other in a strict sequence.
The purpose of work - management of introduction of a new kind of production at the enterprise on an example
Achieving this objective required the following priorities:
1) to study the essence of managing a new type
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